Season 5 Episode #5: A Special Motorsports Industry Episode with Guests Neil Cowman, Randy Williamson and Kurt Wiegel
Weedsport Productions’ Off Track TV streamed live on Thursday June 2.
Cowman is the Dirt Oval Business Unit Manager with Hoosier Racing Tire, and along with his team at Hoosier, is navigating through a unique 2022 season. Cowman will come on the show to discuss the challenges of the year and his prognosis for the remainder of the season.
Williamson continues at the forefront of Bicknell Racing Products. Teamed with Pete and Nancy Bicknell, Randy and his wife Tracey worked to build BRP from humble beginnings to its current location that boasts 20,000 feet of manufacturing and retail space. Since 2002, Team BRP drivers have combined for more than 600 total wins each in Big Block, 358 and Sportsman competition across Canada, the United States and Australia.
Wiegel has been an integral piece of the Heinke-Baldwin Racing team for more than 20 years working with drivers such as Jimmy Phelps, Max McLaughlin and Dave Blaney. Wiegel will guide viewers through his approach, what it takes to compete and how it has been working in the midst of a parts and labor shortage in the industry.